What We Do

We are fierce about our RELATIONSHIPS.

Creativity is the spark that ignites us.

We embrace OWNERSHIP and let our clients inspire us.

Long term clients grow from RESPECT.

We create RESULTS that grab the imagination.

Balance Veterinary Center

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Project Highlights

Balance Veterinary Center is a recognized and highly regarded veterinary clinic in Rockville, Maryland that focuses on a holistic and alternative approach to pet care.  Each dog and cat that is brought into BVC becomes the clinic’s top priority. The clinic takes the time to listen and address the concerns of every pet owner. During the design process, Interplan worked with BVC to design a space that felt inviting and relaxing, and that would also be easy to clean and maintain. This was especially evident in selecting Kinetics flooring material made from recycled soda bottles, the flooring allows easy traction for animals, but superior durability and cleanability.

Upon entering the space, one immediately feels at ease with cheery colors, natural elements, and friendly staff. Continuing down the hall, on the left, pops of color (inspired by different ecosystems in the natural world) jump from each exam room through the use of paint and carpet.   One of the greatest challenges in designing this space was the equipment coordination.  Across from the exam rooms the canine water treadmill and physical therapy room, followed by the surgery and xray room and back-of-house facilities. All these areas required great communication with the staff, equipment manufacturers, and engineers to verify all requirements for complicated equipment was met.