What We Do

We are fierce about our RELATIONSHIPS.

Creativity is the spark that ignites us.

We embrace OWNERSHIP and let our clients inspire us.

Long term clients grow from RESPECT.

We create RESULTS that grab the imagination.

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Project Highlights

Cardiocore began as one of the world’s first cardiac core labs and is still today one of the leading labs in the country, delivering superior global services, skilled scientific consulting and state-of-the-art data and information management. Interplan teamed with Cardiocore to create an office image that reflected their collaborative working environment, use of advanced technology and global involvement. Cardiocore wanted a bright and airy office environment that would welcome and catch the eye of those visiting the space from the moment you walk in the door.

The vibrant colors grab your attention and focus on Cardiocore’s logo, a graphic heart image etched onto the glass entrance wall. Interplan designed an open work environment with low height workstations, allowing for collaboration to occur easily between coworkers. The conference room is multi-functional with operable interior walls which can be divided into one large conference room set up, two conference rooms or three smaller meeting rooms.