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Gray TV - Washington News Bureau

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Project Highlights

Gray Television is a leading media company that owns and operates high-quality stations in 113 television markets that collectively reach 36 percent of US television households. When they decided to move the Washington News Bureau to 500 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Interplan was enlisted to design the initial buildout. Working closely with the end users to maximize the slender footprint of the building, an open newsroom was developed along with studio space for broadcast recording of regional programs.

Recently, Interplan was re-engaged to design the expansion of the Washington News Bureau, doubling the original suites’ capacity. Another full broadcast studio was created and additional newsroom space added. In addition to more offices, other features included another make-up room and beverage/coffee counter. A secondary reception was created to showcase the media brand and provide additional guest seating. As a final touch to the newsroom, a self-contained audio booth was installed for editing.

Linear and circular lighting illuminate the expanded interior. Building on the original palette of white walls and dark grey hues, bright blue glazing panels, upholstery fabrics and digital wallcovering provide highlights, accentuating the contrast of surface finishes.