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We are fierce about our RELATIONSHIPS.

Creativity is the spark that ignites us.

We embrace OWNERSHIP and let our clients inspire us.

Long term clients grow from RESPECT.

We create RESULTS that grab the imagination.

Macfadden - OFDA

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Project Highlights

Macfadden was tasked with providing consolidated office space for USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance. Moving from eight suites in three sites, OFDA needed an open collaborative environment with specialized functionality to support their humanitarian response missions. In mid-project the scope was expanded to include USAID’s Food for Peace program. The clean contemporary design provides spaces for conferencing up to 700 people, an Operations Center with 24-7 redundant systems and community/ collaboration spaces to facilitate the multi-functional program requirements.

Interplan was the architect of record, providing full construction documents and assisting the design team efforts led by Strategic Initiatives, LLC. The completed project occupies 150,000 square feet of office area over multiple upper floors of the building and 15,000 square feet of assembly area on the concourse level for the conferencing facility.