What We Do

We are fierce about our RELATIONSHIPS.

Creativity is the spark that ignites us.

We embrace OWNERSHIP and let our clients inspire us.

Long term clients grow from RESPECT.

We create RESULTS that grab the imagination.

Rapid Advance

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Project Highlights

In less than three years since Interplan assisted with an in-place 10,000 square foot renovation and expansion of their Wisconsin Avenue offices, Rapid Advance was ready for a much larger venture.

Taking the full 6th floor at 4500 East-West Highway, comprised of 28,000 square feet in downtown Bethesda, Rapid Advance enlisted Interplan to collaborate with Detroit based DPOP! to design the new open office environment.

The design showcases polished concrete floors, back-lit walnut veneer paneling, bold plank carpet tiles, and colorful ceramic tile walls. Conference rooms are lit by stick pendants. Stainless chain-link curtains enclose teaming tables. Of particular interest is the ‘Whiskey’ room; featuring a linear fireplace, leather wainscoting, an illuminated bar and whiskey barrel plank flooring.

The playful design and varied materials create a visually engaging atmosphere for this energetic and continually expanding company, with built-in growth for years to come. Our relationship with Rapid Advance has brought out the best in both our companies, and it shows.